The future of claims management

Zarv's technology allows your company to manage all the claims, occurances and assistance your fleet needs in one single place. We follow your fleet and everything that happens to it in real time, and we also connect you to the closest agents needed in the field.


All risks controlled and your fleet protected 24/7.


Our technology is able to locate your vehicles even if they don't have a GPS tracking device on them.


Access Zarv's platform to manage your claims and occurances in real time and in on single place.

Predictive security technology.

Our proprietary security technology connects a network of public and private OCR cameras to GPS enabled devices, which allows tracking and monitoring anywhere.

ZARV COMPared to traditional solutions elsewhere
dicrease of operational processes
faster on connecting agents
faster on claims solvings
more efficient in vehicles recovery

From prevention to recovery

Zarv helps you get better results, from frauds prevention to more efficiency in vehicles recovery.

Client validation

Our screening tool provides information so that you can assess the quality of the leads before they become customers, which increases the security of your business and reduces future costs realted to credit default and vehicle recovery.

Occurance Management

No more WhatsApp! Track your entire operation in real time and open calls for theft, robbery, default or technical assistance directly through our platform. The most qualified agent will be automatically sent to the location of the occurrence, at any time of the day or night.


Increased visibility with automated reporting

Metrics and smart data offer visibility over your operations and help your decision making.

recovery rate
fleet events
Métrica de Total de OcorrênciasMétrica de Período de Ocorrências
Gerenciamento de OcorrenciasCadastro de Usuários

More agility, less processes

End-to-end solution

Dicrease your operational costs and have a sustainable and scalable growth.

Information security

Less human intervention, which reduzes the risks of fraud and security breaches.